So, why are we doing this anyway?

Hello! Tom and I are 60 year olds who’ve been working and travelling our entire lives. Like many people our age, we are starting to think about retirement, or at least some sort of semi-retirement. We have five children, all adults, living respectable lives, no grand kids As we live in snowy, cold Massachusetts. One- by-one we have seen friends and family start buying homes in Florida. But we just don’t feel ready for Florida. Nothing against the warm climate, laid back life style. In our souls we believe that we there is a big chance we will end up there eventually. But right now we feel like Florida is where we will want to go when we are too tired for adventures. When researching and planning feels like too much work. When we enter the final chapter of our lives. But right now, we aren’t dead yet.

Tom and I are pretty active and plan to stay that way for as long as possible. Hiking is our activity of choice. But we are both runners, cyclists and yoga enthusiasts. Every year we plan a major adventure. Two years ago Costa Rica. Last year Spain/Portugal. This year we are hitting America’s Southwest. In an RV. Major bucket list.

We feel like there must be other people out there like us. People who love to travel but avoid tour buses and cruises. People who are active but not crazy. People with some money but who are not loaded. Who love to stay active. See new places. Live. People who are over 60 but aren’t dead yet.

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